Passive House Designer
Certified Passive House Designer
In 2021 Owen Batchelor was accredited by the Passive House Institute in Germany as a “Certified Passive House Designer” by completing the Passive House Designer Course in Australia through the Australian Passive House Association. The PH designer course is based entirely on building science. (Sheldon Cooper style maths.)
Open Class Building Designer
Meet The Designer Owen Batchelor
Meet The Designer Owen Batchelor
- Internationally Certified Passive House Designer.
- Multi-Award-Winning since 2001.
- Local experience 30+ years as a building designer.
Owen Batchelor was accredited by the “Built Environment Design Institute” in 2015 to the highest standard as a building designer. A level of education in Qld that is comparable to a fully registered architect. He is an Internationally Certified Passive House Designer who has more than 30 years of local experience as a Building Designer.
As a result, Owen Batchelor became registered as an “OPEN CLASS” building designer by the QBCC in Queensland in 2015. This enables us to design any class of building without restriction or covenant.
Owen Batchelor can also design houses in most other states & overseas.
His interests include Camping, Mountain Biking, and Dogs. Oh, and Sustainable Building Design of course.
Projects above by East Coast Building Design
For Australian Climates
Passive Home Design
PassivHaus design encompasses both the methodology and the adherence to the world’s leading energy-efficient design standards. Passive building design for residential homes draws on the concept of energy efficiency but goes beyond this by creating comfortable and functional homes.
Although we are new to Passive House as a standard, Owen Batchelor and his team have been designing high-quality award-winning homes and buildings in and around South East Queensland for over three decades.
We have worked on just about every type of home in that time, from tree houses to multi-million dollar homes and everything in between.
Our design philosophy is to create Quality Lifestyle Outcomes through Sustainable Building Design Principals. The results will be livable, affordable and beautiful. Visit our sister site, East Coast Building Design, to catch up on our completed projects and see our work.